New music

27 Dec 2013

Headies 2013 -Between Orezi & Waje on twitter...

So Orezi lost out to Waje in the Best Reggae/Dancehall category at the Headies last night and he tweeted sarcastically(above).Majority feel he was robbed of the award because hishit song "RIHANNA" is obviously the best dancehall hit in that category while Waje's"I WISH" is no doubt a fantastic reggae song.
More tweets below
Many fans tweeted their dissaproval and some blamed the headies for combining the two genres.
My opinion..I think if it's dancehall, Orezi's Rihanna has it. For reggae ,Waje is a good contender.So I guess the problem is with those who created the category..
Whats your take..I wish or Rihanna?

Contrary to opinions that he threw a sub at Waje, he claims his earlier tweet wasn't malicious towards her.Of course if he has a problem it would be with the Headies not her...

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