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9 Jan 2014

Oma Nnabuihe of Olanma Makeovers

Uloma Nnabuihe, whom everyone calls Oma is the owner of Olanma Makeovers. They specialize in Bridal Makeup and also offer Bridal Makeup Classes. Oma has a Nursing degree from the Lagos University teaching hospital and a Certificate in Communications from PEFTI Film Institute, Lagos. She interned at the Voice of Nigeria (VON) after that and is currently with the Silverbird Group. In her spare time however, Oma pursues her love of makeup through her growing business. Enjoy our exclusive interview with Oma
Q: What was your first job?
1.       My first Job was right after Nursing school and I worked as a Registered Nurse.

Q: Is what you are doing now remotely like what your 16 year old self thought you would be?
2.       As 16year old I was very up-in-your face and vocal. Dreamt of being a Foreign Ambassador for Nigeria. My Career as  Business owner is far from my teenage dream.

Q: Who inspires you?
3.       My Mom has been the biggest inspiration so far. She wasn’t opportuned to go to the University but made a promise to herself that all her kids would. She now has 4 Graduates.

Q: How does social networking help you? What social networks do you use?
4.       Social networking has helped improve my network of friends in real life. I have met a few great people through social media. I got my last job through someone I met networking online.

Q: Everyone has a favourite though, what is your favourite social network?
5.       I use Twitter but I Love Facebook .

Q: Life balance is important. Do you take time-out from online are always connected?
6.       I live a very balanced life. Do most of my online work at night so I have time for family and other work during the day

Q: What is your favourite item of clothing and why?
7.       I love Jeans. They feel like home.

Q: What’s your personal motto?
8.       My Personal motto is “Love God, Spend time with family and Be Happy”

Q: What is your favourite flavour of icecream?
9.       Favourite flavour of Iced Cream is Strawberry

Q: What is the first thing you bought with your first proper pay cheque?
10.   A new Pair of Jeans

Q: If we looked in your handbag right now, what would we find?

11.   You’d always find a Lip gloss, Wallet, Pen and Notepad, Tissue roll and Sanitary Pad in my handbag

Q: If you were a super hero what would your power be?
12.   I would love to be able to Bring People back to life even for a few hours; like my Dad so he can walk me down the aisle.

Awww.... that last answer got me. Thanks for sharing with us, Oma, and RML wishes you the best!

You can call 07032457629, or email Oma at You can also contact her on Facebook : and her Blog -


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