New music

27 Jan 2014

Unity is Power

This term has been in existence since the creation of man; different scholars have different definitions but an agreement has been reached that a family is a fundamental social group which is brought about either by blood,marriage or some really close affinity like community, village etc. It is the most important social group that has been and will ever be in the history of the human race. Sociologists call it the first agent of socialization. Its purposes are companionship, procreation, nurturing, direction, guidance and education. According to Diana Kendall, in sociology in our times, “to a large extent the family is where we acquire our specific social position in society”. It is the determinant of what
children become or how they behave later in life; biologically the family determines the phenotype and genotype of a child which psychologists refers to as nature and nurture. The family can be likened to the soil which is needed for seed to germinate, once it is destroyed then the seeds are prone to destruction.The book of Genesis 7:7 talks about how Noah and his family entered the ark in unity; wondering if Noah’s family didn’t stick together would we be here?
Mark 3: 24 says And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand. Genesis 11:6 also shows the power of unity. One of the major reasons we see crime and all sorts of deviances is as a result of the failure of the family to perform its role in the society. Families that live in love and harmony is very difficult to be attacked by the enemy; Love is the greatest commandment. Unity brings about bonding and progress.Please let us live in love and unity so that we can all move forward.
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