New music

4 Mar 2014

5 Signs to Watch Out For That May Identify an Abusive or Violent Partner

Toke Makinwa has decided to make domestic violence the topic of her weekly vlog in which she lists 5 signs that the man you're dating could be abusive, the famous red flags that one has to watch out for. The video is indeed very timely, as earlier this week, Arowolo Akolade was sentenced to death for murdering his wife in a domestic violence incident in which he stabbed her over 70 times. A young lady also shared pictures on Instagram of herself after she was pushed from a moving car and then dragged along by her boyfriend of eight months.

While most of the incidents of domestic violence we get to hear are about men hitting on their girlfriends and wives, like someone pointed out in a Facebook post I made on this subject, domestic violence goes both ways, some women can be abusive to their partners too. Please be vigilant and know when you need to walk away, either for the moment, or out of the relationship.

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