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7 Apr 2014

Nigeria Ranks Last in Global Youth Wellbeing Index

In the first Global Youth Wellbeing Index released last Friday, Nigeria ranked last of the 30 countries surveyed. The Center for Strategic and International Studies and the International Youth Foundation established the Index, measuring the quality of life of people aged 12 to 24.

The indicators included citizen participation, economic opportunity, education, health, information and communications technology, safety and security. Young people's perceptions were also assesed including whether they were satisfied with their government. Australia was ranked first, followed by Sweden and South Korea.The accompanying report states, "The Index assumes that quality wellbeing among youth results from the opportunities provided by their environment, what and how well they are doing and how they feel about it." On a scale of 0 to 1, Australian young people scored highly at 0.752, compared with Nigeria in last place at 0.375.

Russia is the only high-income country that's not in the top 10. In fact, one through nine are dominated by the nine-richest countries on the list — with the exception of Russia.

Additionally, even though high-income countries in general had lower rates of youth mortality, they had higher rates of youth stress and self-harm. High levels of stress, self-harm, and smoking dragged down the ranking of the U.S., for example.

To see a thorough description of the methodology and rankings, check out this PDF of the report and the country profile for Nigeria HERE.

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