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27 May 2014

Last Warning"-Students Flee as Boko Haram sends bloody letter to Adamawa State University(Photo)

 The students of Adamawa state University are in fear after they have received several letters over the past two weeks, from who they believe are boko haram.Initially they felt it was a prank until the latest letter which was attached with a pound of flesh and dripping blood.

A source has told SaharaReporters that the letters are believed to be real, coming directly from Boko Haram. 
The students are now living in fear.Most of those who use the only hostel available to men have not slept there over the past weekend.  The hostel, also known as ‘Barde Hall,was nearly empty of students beginning on Saturday evening.  Barde Hall, is also popularly known as "256" by many in the student body. It is a popular ‘hang out’ spot for many of the students attending. It is also seen as a safe space, and resting place, that normally has scores of students milling around outside during the academic year. Many of the students did not sleep, or ‘hang out’ at the hostel on Saturday night. It was ghostly quiet.
A student also said that the atmosphere at the hostel worsened on Sunday night. In room A5, a student confided that, he was the only person that slept the night in his room.Another student said that many of the occupants had fled to the nearby town to seek shelter instead, where they believe it to be a much safer place.
 Yet, the tension Monday morning picked-up, when students in Barde Hall awoke and found a letter placed on a wall that was written in the Hausa language. The letter, when translated into English, reads, "Last warning."But this time around, it had a pound of flesh clipped to the letter. It dripped with blood, and was described as somewhat black in colour, though looking as if it was not long since this section of human flesh it was cut off.
This caused panic among many of the students at the hostel. The Vice Chancellor according to a SaharaReporters source reportedly insisted that nothing will change with the school's academiccalendar. Strangely, the students were told that their exams will be held as earlier scheduled.
As it stands now, many of the Adamawa State University students have packed their bags, and also, reportedly, packing out of the hostel.
 The "256" is in a place many of the departing students feel is especially vulnerable, in large part because, physically, it is isolated, and neighbored by bush, with just a few farms located behind the building. In short, for many it is too easy a target with a school administration almost detached from their concerns over whether the threatening letters received are real, or not.

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