New music

3 Jul 2014

The $17 trillion bull

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The resurgent bull has posted paper gains of $17.1 trillion since the bear market low in March 2009. The Bull on Broadway in the financial district of New York. (Photo by Robert Deutsch, USA TODAY)
Dow 17,000 made big news today. But there’s an even more amazing stock market stat that will illicit even more amazement — and awe. Read on for the STAT OF THE DAY.
Since the bear market bottom on March 9, 2009, the U.S. stock market has enriched investors with paper gains totaling 17.1 trillion! Yes, that’s trillion, with a capital “T.”
That performance statistic comes courtesy of Wilshire Associates, citing the gains racked up by its Wilshire 5000 Total Market Index. The index closed at a record high of 21,107.54 Thursday, extending its 2014 gains to 7.1%.
For investors wondering how much money the stock market has minted for them in other periods, here you go:
Day/Period          Paper gains
July 3                     $125 billion
This week             $300 billion
July                        $275 billion
2014 YTD              $1.6 trillion
Source: Wilshire Associates

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