Well a blog reader doesn't agree..Read her thoughts below
"Gender equality does not have to do with men being the heads of the family.
Gender equality simply means no individual should be discriminated based on their gender. Which leads to gender inequality which is the discrimination of individuals because of their gender.
Some examples of gender inequality in some countries
- In some countries women are not allowed to vote.
- In some countries women are not allowed to go to school
- In some work places man earns more than a woman though they are doing the same amount of work
- In Saudi Arabia women are not allowed to drive
- In some counties women are not allowed to go to
some places unless they are with a male companion
All these I listed above are some cases of gender inequality in some counties.
Gender equality will simply allow women to be able to do those thing
Some Organizations and governing bodies are fighting for gender equality in the world to ensure women are given fair treatment like the men and not to drag who heads the home.
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