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7 Dec 2013

Do You Agree That Jealousy is a Sign of Love?

In her latest Toke's moments vlog - When a Woman is Fed Up - Toke Makinwa listed some signs that showed a woman in a relationship had reached her breaking point, and wants out of the relationship. She listed, when your woman no longer argues with you, if she's no longer jealous, and if she doesn't want your attention any more. While I agree with the first and last one, I'm of the opinion jealousy shouldn't be found where there's true love. See the video and excerpts below, and let's discuss.


"I'm tired of seeing men who have good women but don't just realize it. Some men will not know even if you hit them with thunder and lightning...they just will not realize. Some men have diamonds, girls who would do anything, she takes care of home, she's loyal to you, she tells you the truth, she's your buddy, she's your friend, someone who wants the best for you, but it's a lie, these men believe somewhere in their head that the sun rises and sets on their behind but me I've got news for you o... every woman has a breaking point. That mumu that you think does not know what's up, that mumu that you think all she does is cry and beg you to love day mumu sef will open eyes"

On a final note, I think when a woman is fed up, she shouldn't wait for the man to be reading any signs. She should just say, I'm done and waka. If she's still in the relationship forming "no jealousy", maybe she's not fed up, and only wants to manipulate the man into changing to suit her, or pressure him into doing what she asked for. All part of games immature men and women play.

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